Featured Products
Mid Century, Swedish Painting, Little Houses, CALLE JOHANSSON
1954, Swedish Still Life, 'Lute and Pears' HANS LARSSON
Mid Century, Painting of Poppies, HELGE HOLMLUND
1930's, French Still Life Painting, Tomatoes.' Joseph Bontet
Early 20thC Painting, 'Cats and Kitten.'
1930's, French Still Life, 'Wine & Brioche', Joseph Bontet
1981, Swedish Still Life Painting, BO WETTERYD
1941, French Gouache 'Le Boléro à l' Opėra Garnier', Léon Leyritz (1888-1976)
Large Mid Century, Charcoal Sketch of a Woman Jean Besnard (1922- 2007)
1950 Swedish Painting, 'Dancer,' JULES SCHYL
1976, French Abstract Expressionist Painting, Pierre Zucchelli
Mid Century Swedish Expressionist Painting, 'The Bathers.'